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Location and Hours of Operation

The District Administration Office is located at 1323 Waco, on the corner of North Washington Avenue and Waco Street, and houses the Superintendent's offices, Central Enrollment, Human Resources & Finance, Educational Services and Indian Education. Central Auxiliary Services is located just East of the Administration office and houses Child Nutrition and Professional Development services.

Both offices are open Monday through Thursday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, and close at 4:00 pm on Friday. The central offices are closed for school holidays and on Fridays during June and July.

Browse our website to find schedules, policies, and information about our schools and activities. I invite you to learn more about Durant ISD and join us at our many events throughout the year, as we continue to provide opportunities to showcase our district. Please feel free to contact us if we can be of service to you.

Once a Lion, Always a Lion!

Board of Education

The Durant Board of Education is a legislative body of five (5) members elected by a vote of the district. The board of education derives its authority from state law. The board's power is judicial and legislative, and the superintendent elected by the board serves as its executive officer. When not in legal session, a board member has no legal authority whatsoever.

The legislative function of the board is to make plans and policies, select the superintendent, and delegate to the superintendent the placing of plans and policies into operation, and provide the financial means for their achievement.

The judicial function of the board is to hear and resolve hearings, grievances, disciplinary appeals, public complaints and other actions of a judicial nature.

Board and District Policy Manual

2025 schedule of Regular Board Meetings

Negotiated Agreement

Contact Information

Kelly Dillard, Clerk of the Board
(580) 924-1276