Vision Academy
Vision Academy
The mission of the Vision Academy is to provide students who have dropped out of school and challenge students who are at risk of dropping out with an alternative path to success. This alternate route will lead to the completion of high school or the General Education Development Test entailing opportunities for vocational-technical preparation and work site learning experiences for a successful transition into the work force and/or post-secondary training. We look forward to working with each student daily, encouraging and supporting them as they make the most of their opportunity to achieve success.
Student Criteria
In order for students to qualify for admission to Vision Academy, they must meet one or more of the following:
- Between the ages of 14 -21
- Recent dropouts or at risk of dropping out
- 1 year below age appropriate grade placement
- History of non-mastery of academic courses -- not expected to graduate on time
- History of physical and/or emotional abuse
- Teen parents or pregnant students
- Socioeconomically challenged
- JTPA eligible
- Court recommended
- Overage
- Persistent lack of motivation
- Does not conform to traditional education environment